• Saipan Tribune


Yellow Pages Ink is dedicated to providing the most up to date information. And though we check, double-check, and triple-check our listings, mistakes are bound to happen.

If you find a misprint in your listing please fill out a correction form and either email it to office@yellowpagesink.com, or fax it to (671) 472-3498.

You may also call in the correction to (671) 472-3495 or Use the form below:

Error and Omission Form

It takes time and the efforts of many to compile white and yellow pages listing information and to print and distribute the phone books. And, it is during that time, that some phone numbers in this phone book may have changed due to residents and businesses relocating. This is why it is impossible for any telephone directory to be 100% accurate at the time of distribution.

The best way for us to make a correction if for you to report them. With your help, we will continue to have the most used, most trusted and most accurate phone book for you!

  • Listing Information Corrections

  • Example: White pages - page #20, Yellow Pages - page #30
    Add comma for multiple listings.
  • Add comma if you have multiple contact numbers
  • Sender Information

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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